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Meet Jesie

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor & Body Image Expert

My passion for Body Reclamation was born from my own lived experience. I've lived in a large body my entire life and I spent years battling my weight, hating my size, and trying desperately to change through chronic dieting. Counting, tracking, restricting, and forbidding foods, only to start the cycle all over again when those efforts inevitably landed me in out-of-control binges and emotional eating. 

Trying to wrestle my body into submission was a futile effort that led to more body dissatisfaction and obsession with food and exercise.

Then, I found Intuitive Eating and HAES (Health At Every Size) and began the work of reclaiming my body from diet mentality's siren call.

It was like coming back home to myself.


Reconnecting to a deeper knowing and intuition that had been there all along, but had been hidden under the pursuit of an "ideal body."

I found peace and liberation with food, a deeper connection to my own body awareness, and a surprising joy in movement. All that dieting and the pursuit of thinness had stolen, I slowly and bravely reclaimed. I founded She's Well Fed to offer women the same healing and peace I've found myself. 

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About My Approach

As both a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and licensed therapist I'm able to support my clients in making sustainable changes in their daily habits while uncovering the root issues behind body dissatisfaction.


We can experience a blocked connection to our body for a variety of reasons, including trauma, grief, and chronic dieting.


I believe our bodies are infinitely wise and worthy of our trust. It's the disconnection from that trust that creates barriers to a peaceful relationship with our bodies. I teach my clients to cultivate their innate intuitive nature.

My holistic approach allows me to guide my clients in reconnecting to trust in their bodies around food, movement, and body awareness. 

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